Monday, 6 May 2013

Motivation to Move...And Keep Moving!

Have you ever wondered how some people train every day and it seems like second nature, part of their routine and even something they look forward to? And there you are still deciding whether you have time, hmm perhaps I will start tomorrow or gee what should I wear to train today (procrastination)? So how exactly do you motivate yourself to get up and to coin a phrase (thank you Nike) “Just do it”? Sure you read all the motivational jargon about how your body is a temple and you should respect it…take care of it…love yourself and rhubarb rhubarb the list goes on! But none of it actually impacts enough on you for you to make the move.

Well I am afraid to tell you that there is no easy or quick solution that I can give you! As mentioned in a previous blog, I could write a book on the health benefits of exercise. I could also go on to tell you that physically, mentally and emotionally you will feel better than you can ever imagine you could feel. How about the added bonus of the fact that you will also look good? That you will be able to manage your stress better and daily tasks that require perhaps a bit of strength or endurance will become easy. OOpps, before I set off on a tangent with more and more reasons why you should be exercising, let me stop right now.

If you are debating on whether to embark on an exercise programme and have never trained before, you may have some very real fears and concerns. What is all the equipment for and how do I use it? Will I know what to do? Will everybody notice me and realise that I don’t know what I am doing? Let me put your mind at ease. First of all, most people, granted not all, are at a health studio or gym to train and they are not interested in the people around them, they will not be watching you, they will be focusing on their own workout. Okay, some of them may be watching themselves in the mirrors, but they are not watching you. There is an exception, if you have chosen to go to gym wearing something completely inappropriate that exposes your cleavage when you bend down or is far too tight and you look like the Michelin man, well then you have asked for it. As far as not knowing what to do…well that’s when someone like me comes in. It’s a good idea to start off with a Personal Trainer. A trainer who is SMART and will design a programme that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable and Time framed! A trainer who is understanding and has empathy and will gently but firmly coax and encourage you! Most importantly choose a trainer who you feel comfortable with and then take the plunge!

Do you make the excuse of, “But I don’t have time”? There are 168 hours in a week, surely you can find 3 hours a week to exercise? This is all the time that you need to start off with. That hour or two that you spend watching TV every day, cut it down to one. Get up a bit earlier in the morning or get home a little later in the evening and use that time to exercise. You could pack in a power workout in 40 minutes during your lunch time.

Are you a regular exerciser who has fallen into a rut and is finding it difficult to motivate yourself? Why don’t you have a few sessions with a Personal Trainer? One who can set new challenges for you, show you different exercises to do and get those endorphins flowing once again. It won’t take long before you ask yourself why ever wanted to stop training. It would be a good idea to have a few sessions with a trainer every few months to keep you motivated.

Perhaps you are very self-conscious and do feel uncomfortable in a typical gym environment, well that’s why there are trainers like me who can train you in the comfort of your own home or in my own private studio.

Going back to what I said right at the beginning about how to some people it is second nature and part of their routine. It will take time, at least three months for you to feel this way about your own exercise regimen. Until you reach that point it will take huge self-discipline and even once you reach it, you will still need occasional boosts to keep you going. I am not going to tell you that it will be one of the most empowering and worthwhile journeys that you ever decide to embark on, because I would like you to experience that for yourself. And I promise you that you will reap the rewards which are prodigious!

Here are a few practical tips to help you along the way;
-          Schedule a day and time and stick to it.
-          Pack your gym bag the night before.
-          Have upbeat soundtracks on an iPod to listen to while you train.
-          Choose an environment that you are comfortable in to train. This could be a gym or outdoors.
-          Find a gym buddy to work out with.
-          Wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
-          Choose a form of exercise that resonates with you, this could be cardio, weights, yoga, zumba, dance or swimming.
-          Remember how you feel at the end of each session which is hopefully tired but content.
-          Set goals or challenges.
-          Log your progress.
-          SMILE and have FUN.

Remember to stick to it long enough for it to become second nature and a habit. And finally give it a go….you have nothing to lose but everything to gain.

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